Monday, 30 November 2009

yet another monday

today i have achieved allot of work.
my website is coming in leaps and bounds with the content i am adding.
the tutor showed me how to add a flash animation for my splash screen and now it looks really good
i have also started adding content from the official fallout website and i feel that this looks as good if not better than the site I'm getting it from.
i plan to Finnish of the little bits on Tuesday while I'm off

Thursday, 26 November 2009

That afternoon

so this afternoon i learnt how to use an iframe this was quite an acomplishment as i figerd out how to do it myself.

the code to put an iframe in to your site is:

and the code to link a button to an iframe is:
i haven't updated this blog in some time so i felt that now was as good a time as any.
this week we have been working on web design. this is a very fun unit of work and i feel that i am doing very well already in it. i started by drawing up some mock sites on photo shop to give my self an idea of what i would like my site to look like.

after this the tutor came and showed me how to use frames to better organise my site. using frames is a good way to make sites as for each frame you create a separate page this is good for keeping the site organized .

we have also been shown how to make roll over buttons. this is simple as it is only 2 images one for when the cursor is not on the button and one for when the cursor is over the button

another thing we have been shown to use is tables. tables are a good way to keep images and text neat and organized

Thursday, 19 November 2009

today we finished the research part of the project and started on the planing side of it.
this is fun looking at how websites work and not just whats on them as i tend to do.

after writing a short comparison of different game sites i went on to planing how my site will look
after a bit of tweaking i ended up with this as an idea
this layout seems to conform with other game sites and i plan to use light colours to show that its a game for the hole family

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

today i have been continuing with my Internet research history.
even though i know allot about this subject i am still learning things like the first use of the word Internet was in 1974 and the first e-mail was sent in 1972 to a computer next to the one that sent it now this may not sound like much but at the time it was revolutionary

i still feel like i keep wondering of track but i am trying to keep it all relevant. like explaining that a bit is a binary digit (a 0 or a 1) for those that don't know binary is base 2 maths. Base 2 maths is matamatics based on 2 numbers we as humans tend to use base 10 maths (most likely because we have ten digits on our hands)

the websites i have been using in this unit to help with my research are:

i must admit that i am enjoying this unit of study and feel that i will take alot away from this

(also visit my other blog to see my sporegrab project)
sporegrab is a small program that i am writing to gather assets for the popular MAXIS game Spore.

Monday, 9 November 2009


today we started on the web design unit of the course.
whilst i am already well versed in the use of the Internet and the ways the Internet works i feel that there is a lot that i can learn from this unit.

the biggest problem i can foresee is that i may get a bit side tracked in the research over the technical side rather than the visual side

i already feel confidant with the terminology used in this unit and im looking foward to using DreamWeaver.
i have used dreamweaver before but that was when it was made by macromedia now however dreamweaver is made by Adobe but it still looks the same or at least similar

Thursday, 5 November 2009


today i have finished making my bus advert this was a fun assignment but not without its challenges.

during this unit i have learnt that advertising is as much about how a product is branded as it is the product being sold

for my final ad i chose to make an ad for Greenpeace thinking that i would find it easier with more ideas to work with this however is not the case as i found out.

"freedom is the greatest burden" the artist Matisse said this and now i agree

after a lot of work i finished my bus ad with the tag line "deforestation is the beginning of the end"

the idea of advertising on the side of a bus may seem like an easy idea but its not as easy to use the space as you may have thought.

if i was given a choice i would have chosen to make my ad for a billboard as this would be a large simple space to use rather than what i think is a bit of a ristricting amount of space.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Monday after half term

After coming back from half term i jumped straight back in to work.
this was easy to do as i had done most of my work at home during the holiday.
i started by selecting one of my ideas and putting it on the side of the bus template
however the first idea i had didn't look as good as i had pictured in my head and didn't get the point across that i was trying to make so i changed to the idea that i have posted above.

the final ad was based on the idea that if all the trees keep disappearing then all the animals and tribes that live in the forests wont have anywhere to go. i tryed to show this by balancing all the animals and tribes men on one tree in a desert.