Thursday 18 March 2010


Today we started on our story boards for our animations i felt this was a bit of a fun exercise as i instantly had an idea for a character.
I decided that my character would be named Stressed Dave and he will get more and more stressed until his head explodes.
This character was taken from my flip book that we all had to create at the beginning of the day.

I think that when it comes to animating it i will keep to this colour scheme because of how simple the characters are i don't want to flood the viewer with unnecessary bright colours.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Today we had Sarah Strickett to teach us about animation she started of by letting us know about her history within the animation industry for one thing she helped on the show 2DTV that was a very funny cartoon
later we went on to have a look at the persistence of motion
the persistence of motion is an optical illusion that works on the idea that things can move faster than the eye can perceive
for example on one side of a piece of card a picture of a man with his hand out like he is holding something, on the other side of the card is the item that the man is holding. When the piece of card is flipped from one side to the other and back at a fast rate then the man would appear to be holding the item.

Monday 15 March 2010


Today we started a new unit for animation as always we stared with our research that includes looking in to the history of animation and already i have learnt that animation started a long time ago back in 180AD in china but the need to animate started way before that by cave men. after having a quick class discussion about animation we all sat down to watch "Steam Boat Willy"

from my understanding of animation it is a series of images played in a sequence at a speed that the human eye cant distinguish between the changing of images

we spent the rest of the day looking in to all aspects of animation from stop frame to time lapse and all other forms in between.

on another note my tutor John surgested that i watch "Koyaanisqatsi" so i will try to get a hold of this on my day of.

Monday 8 March 2010


Today we nearly finished our podcasts
i didnt realise just how much a script needs to be rewriten

as you can see we started with quite a strucherd script but after some time recording we notesed that we needed to anoteate the script to fit what we wanted to say and make it sound more natural

Thursday 4 March 2010

Today my team and i started the first part of our podcast recording. this was harder than it sounds as the presenter of our podcast became very nerves when we started recording so after about 7 attempts to recored the first part of our podcast.

after we returned to the class our editor started to put together the first 1 minute of our podcast

we were all feeling happy with how this went so we moved on to starting our resarch.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

building our podcasts

today we got in to the groups we are working in for our podcasts
my group seems to be way ahead of the curve we have a script and a plan that we will follow so we all ran through thye script planning out who would say what and what else needs doing the worst part of our plan is that we need to wait till next week for the new UK top 10

billy is a funny tutor i like the way he uses a kazoo to get the atention of the class