Thursday, 15 October 2009


Today we have been working mostly on our research for advertisement, more specifically about semiotics and visual language.
Semiotics is a very deep subject that i feel would take years of study to completely understand.
for example Wikipedia puts signs in semiotics as "something that stands for something, to someone in some capacity" now that may be a broad explanation but if you were to go to then you would be able to see just how complex the subject relay is.
visual language is just as wide a subject but is a little essayer to understand. Wikipedia describes visual language as “A visual language is a set of practices by which images can be used to communicate concepts.” This means anything from written language to sign language and beyond can be used as a visual language. the hardest part of visual languages is making sure that whom ever is reading it understands what it is you mean.
But visual language can mean reading someones body language and that can be as obvious as shaking your fist in rage to something as subtle as not being able to look someone in the eye when lieing
I feel that i got too drawn in to trying to describe what semiotics is and that has slowen me down a bit but it wont be to hard to catch up over the weekend.

Over the weekend i plan to finish writing about product branding and product advertising.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob, your blogs are good and looks creative, i can see you put alot of effort into your work.
    Well done.
