Monday 1 February 2010


after spending the morning in keyskills learning the correct use of apostrophe's we started by listening to each others recording projects. as expected mine wasn't the best but i still liked it.
by far the best was Paul's track that he made mostly from a Prodigy track.

this afternoon John (our main tutor) came round and had a small one on one with each of the class to discuss how well we had been doing on the latest assighnment he comented that i seem to be doing as well as always (dispite that i dont think i have done aswell as other units)

over the weekend i spent a lot of time making prototypes in Unity. Unity is a Game Engine made to be used by want to be game designer's like myself. to aid myself in the ceration of my game i have been building 3d models using 3dsMax.

i plan to spend my tuesday of to start implementing some of my prototypes in to a small working game.(i hope)

1 comment:

  1. I have been very impressed with the project Robb is working on using UNITY. A week ago he had just the one building, now he has added to it dramaticly with a landsacape including a desert, more buildings and cross hairs that enable the use of interactive game objects.
